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Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2018
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I'm no new to demonolatry, and yet I'm impressed by the beautiful simplicity of the rituals.
I've worked so far with 9 demons from the book and although most of the rituals are long term and sort of grow, I can say that the effects are manifesting rather quickly.
The method works! the imagery is profoundly connective. The methodology removes the fluff and does NOT demand blind devotion. It only requires from us honesty, knowing what we want and undergoing the experience. That's it, that's all.
I reeeeally recommend this book to beginners and to more experienced practitioners who are curious to work with demons in a different way.

EDIT: Yesterday 28th October, 2018, I worked with BOROB to lucid dream. He was the 10th demon I worked with. I accessed Lucidity that same night!!!! Yay!!!!

Reviewed in the United States on November 15, 2018
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I grew up in a Christian household and have been wary of "demons". I have worked with the Goetia with great success using other methods but admittedly was nervous about this one as there is no angelic protection. My curiosity got the better of me and I'm glad.

I did the Pathworking for Lucifer and the presence that I found in Him is wonderful. As Theodore Rose writes in the book, his presence puts me at ease. He feels wise as time, gentle as the softest breeze, deep as the ocean, yet with a sense of vast power. He feels like a father figure. He is Knowing and in his presence I feel transparent. He sees our deepest thoughts in our mind and the deepest intents of our hearts. And he uses these to help us. He even has a sense of humor.

During the ritual I didn't feel much but after I called to Lucifer immediately the experience deepened and I went very deep spiritually and it felt amazing. The connection and power swirled around me, comforting me and uplifting me. I came out of the ritual with a feel of deep peace and a sense of the infinite potential and power of Lucifer and this glorious Magick.

A true masterpiece. Don't let the simplicity fool you. The spirits hear you and they will respond.

Reviewed in the United States on October 18, 2018
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I had been searching Amazon for practical magick to work with Lucifer and these hidden demons for years, but there was none shedding light on such powerful entities.

We, loyal readers, wish to sincerely thank the respectful author Theodore Rose and the Power of Magick for their precious time and tremendous efforts to reveal big secrets about Lucifer and the hidden demons because this can help transform us miraculously.

Updated 22 Oct 18

I asked Calamosi under Ariton to overcome thoughts that tormented me. It was so effective that I could become peaceful and mentally relaxed during the ritual.

Because the Pathworking is simple and effortless, it is an easy magickal ritual that can Change Your Life.

Reviewed in the United States on January 2, 2019
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Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would purchase a publication on Esoteric Magick with Lucifer and other demons like Shahtan. With the religious background I grew up in, fellow members would be looking at me like I had just lost my mind...
Nonetheless, there is some validity to what is presented in this publication. With that being said, I do not in any way advocate Luciferianism or Satanism!! I am a firm believer in Christ and the authority that is bestowed upon believers. Now with that out of the way, let's get into the meat and bones of this!!
Firstly, despite mainstream Christian religious misunderstanding: Lucifer, Satan, and the Devil are actually 3 different characters/people. On top of that, with the notion that these are so called "demons" aka "evil spirits/Angels", guess what? The Lord sends and has sent evil spirits/Angels to deal with the wicked since times of the scriptures, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has done so before even that. Don't believe me? Here are some cross references: Psalm 78:49; 1 Kings 22; Job 1: 6-9.
With that on the table, the fear that has been programmed from religion has faded a little more, allowing the truth to surface. Dealing with these entities is that much more doable, now that it's a known fact that the Supreme has good and evil spirits to tend to the infinite variety of situations that arise on Earth and elsewhere. If there are idiots who want to break the law, and think they can do what they want without any reprocussion, that's when the "hideous" evil spirits get dispatched to do their job, and it's time to call it a day.
The author does a decent job of making it clear, that none of these entities desire worship, Shahtan included, so that completely gets rid of religious fears of "Devil/Demon worship".
The only issue I have is the author's claim that there is no need for using Divine names and what not when summoning these beings. Based on experience in Esoteric practice, I'm sorry but....better safe than sorry. Since all things come from the Supreme, why not announce such at the commencing of each ritual? Other than that, I think this publication does a decent job of breaking the barrier of religious brainwashing and feat regarding these entities.

Reviewed in the United States on November 10, 2018
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Unlock the hidden keys to true angelic power. Within the pages of this book you will gain access to powerful secrets of magick that will quickly and easily bring miracles into your life.Angels bring joy, success, peace, harmony, and fulfillment into our lives. With the simple, easy, and effective method you will learn here, you will gain nearly instant access to divine angelic power to transform your life. This method takes only minutes to learn, minutes to perform, and brings long lasting and deeply transformative results.Open your mind, release your fears, allow your imagination to dream your wildest dreams. Whatever you can picture in your mind, the angels can deliver to you with staggering power. You will gain the courage to conquer the forces that hold you back, overcome the obstacles and barriers that stand in your way, and successfully achieve the freedom to live the life of your dreams.With this transformative magic, faith will become certainty, misery will become triumph, chaos will become harmony, and hope will become fulfillment. Dare to be the hero in your own life’s story and these angels will support you.You will discover over 800 powers that allow you to develop psychic abilities, find your soul mate, attract money, and make others bend to your will. The angels will instantly come to your aid and obey your commands. You will experience their loving, uplifting presence that will make you feel completely safe, protected, and loved. These 72 angels are almost more eager to meet and work with you than you are to work with them.You will find angels that increase your confidence and willpower, increase physical strength and vitality, make you attractive and appealing to others, help you achieve career success and gain a promotion, attract new friends that love and respect you, and to find a new romantic fling or a deeply fulfilling long-term romance. There are angels that will make you eloquent and convincing or inspire your art, help you to develop clairvoyance to see into the spirit world or see the future, or even to discover your connection with the Source of the Universe which some call God.Allow yourself to relax, read, dream, and discover. When you decide on what your true will is, know that you have these 72 angels at your beck and call at any time you need them. Simply open the book, perform the simple ritual steps, and watch as your life reshapes in miraculous ways that fulfill your every desire.


Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2020
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This book is simple to use. My favourite part is the extensive lists of powers each angel has available to you. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who's just starting out or is already an adept master.

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Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2020
I love how easy the step by step method is shown and how the powers have been immensely detailed and shown. Highly recommend!

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Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2020
So glad I purchased this book! It is very informative, well laid out and simple to use.

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Discover the secrets of angelic power. The angels are ready to listen and ready to work for you. All you have to do is ask in the right way.
This book guides you beyond the disinformation and lies about magick and angels. If you are drawn to magick, this is as safe and effective as magick ever gets. It is your divine right to ask for angelic help, and as such, there is never any payback or backlash when you work with these angels.
When you contact the angels listed in this book, you will have the power to dominate success and fortune, obtain what you wish, protect yourself, and stop enemies. These mighty angels can be contacted easily, instructed directly, and will gladly fulfill your desires.
You don't need to believe anything or belong to any religion. You don't need to be pure or worthy. All you need is a strong desire for something to change in your world. If you have that desire, the angels will take you where you want to go. It is their purpose to give you the power to express the life you dream of living.
Whether you are seeking fame, money, wisdom, healing or peace, the angelic powers can help you to improve your life in the ways that matter to you most. The angels in this book can help you to carry out difficult tasks, strengthen your will power, and increase your popularity.
You can attract love, find harmony, increase fame, find strength, break through adversity, sleep well, heal yourself, and obtain clear thought. There are angelic powers that enable you to invent, discover new methods, improve your business, and find new supporters.
You can increase the loyalty of friends and lovers, with the power to improve prosperity, win awards, write well, be stable, reduce anxiety, learn easily, understand in new ways, and dominate strong personalities. The angels can help you to excite new passion, discover more about yourself, and see the past, present, and future with clarity.
They will protect, uncover truth, stop liars, inspire artists, and spread the word about your creative works. Debtors can be made to pay up. You can turn enemies into friends. Whether you are making deals, learning a trade, trying to pass exams or working to increase your income, these angels can bring the help you need.
You will discover:
A unique talisman that opens the gateway to angelic contact
The Words of Power that establish an angelic connection
Seventy-Two unique sigils for contacting angels
Over two hundred angelic powers that can be used in thousands of ways
Information on how to choose the right angel
Methods for communicating directly with angels
Ancient secrets for contacting angels that can't be found anywhere else
And please note that everything in this book is correct and as intended. Some may claim that the letters used in the sigils are incorrect (because they don't match the pronunciation in an obvious way), but this is quite deliberate, and everything works when you actually put the magick into practice.
The 72 Angels of Magick brings together the content of Magickal Angels and The Greater Magickal Angels. All the information is now included in one volume. If you're new to angel magick, everything you need for success is here.

About the Author

Damon Brand has published twelve best-selling titles, with well over a thousand five-star reviews.

When he was twelve years old, Damon discovered that magick works. He became friends with other occultists and they formed a group working to explore the boundaries of the possible. There are seventeen members of The Gallery of Magick, and they have experimented with countless magickal ideas, always trying to get better results. Over several decades they have refined their methods to create magick that works.


Reviewed in the United States on September 12, 2017
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This was the first book I purchased from the GoM and Damon Brand. I bought it back in March and immediately began working with the Angels. This might sound silly to some, but I had all but given up on being able to control my drinking. I knew I needed help, but my insurance wouldn't pay much for rehab and I live on a small salary. I was one of those "drink until you pass out" alcoholics, drinking EVERY SINGLE DAY. I also would chain smoke when I drank. My health was really starting to go and I would cry that gut wrenching sob, begging for help from God or any entity that would listen. I dabbled in magick when I was younger, but just got turned off from it because of all the - do this on that day, but not if this sign is here and make sure you're wearing this and yadda yadda. I'm not knocking it, but it just wasn't for me. I'm not even sure how I came to find this book to be honest. I'm an avid Amazon shopper and somehow our paths crossed. I chose Angels that I thought would help me and did back to back to back rituals, each taking eleven days and then starting with a new Angel (only working with one Angel at a time). I was still drinking every night, but I didn't give up. The only time I wasn't doing a ritual was at the end of July when I went to the beach and just wanted to relax. You would think hanging out at the beach with friends would be a drunks party for sure, but something happened. I would fix a drink and could only get a few sips in and I just couldn't stand the taste. Same thing with smoking. On the drive home a few days later I thought about the different Angels I had worked with and I just knew the magick had worked. Someone like me, mid fifties, who has been a heavy drinker for a long time, and who had tried to quit hundreds of times and couldn't do it. This is nothing short of a miracle. I have no desire to drink or smoke. None. No withdrawals either which is very odd as I was a heavy drinker. I became very nervous when a chef friend asked me to help with a wine pairing. I thought, "oh no, if I do this I'll start back with the heavy drinking." I did it anyway and everything is just fine. I have no urge to drink. None. Who knows, maybe it will come back, or maybe not. But for now I am not drinking and don't want to. Yay!!! I will say there is definitely something to say about the "Emotional Transmutation" that the author talks about. It's as if the Angels knew I had really tried to quit and really wanted to quit. Some times I would cry so hard during the ritual that I couldn't finish and would have to wait until I calmed down and start over. This was one of the most beautiful journeys I have ever been on.
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Reviewed in the United States on April 11, 2016
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You will all think this is BS but with God as my witness it's true. I tried an 11 day spell from this book at the same time I was using a spell from the same author's "Word of Power" and believe it or not I created a servitor from a third book by the author. All was aimed at working together towards one specific goal. I was going to be out of a job soon if the company I work for did not win a $39 million contract with the government. We had 5 other more seasoned companies bidding against us. I worked the 11 day spell, waited 3 days and began a second 11 day spell just as a sort of "booster shot". Again, servitors deployed and words of power spoken each day as well. Today is the 11th day of the second 11 day cycle. I finished the spells and committed myself to just forget about the whole thing and wait to see. It was supposed to be another 6-8 weeks before we knew about the contract. Less than 1 hour after I completed the last spells and put the whole thing to bed - I recieved an email from my Director telling me we won the contract against all those other companies. I kid you not. I was floored. All along I was thinking "These spells are too easy." and "Is it possible that it is really this simple?". Evidentially it is not necessary to dance around bonfires at midnight on the 29th of February on a leap year inside a pentagram drawn with virgin goats blood while reciting Shakespearean texts in German afterall. Brand is my freaking hero now!
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Reviewed in the United States on January 10, 2017
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I have a warning! I have bought nearly all Damon's books. They are clear, concise and easy to work with. THIS WORKS! I am going to be short and to the point. I had a very close loved one in a very bad marriage. It was abusive and stressful. I was overwhelmed and fearful for my family member's life. I worked with an angel for 11 days this past August. I was passionate and followed the author's instructions. The person that was violent towards my loved one was diagnosed with stage 4 rare lymphoma November 2016. The doctors are not sure how he ended up with this rare form of cancer. I think the Angelic powers knew he would take my loved one's life. I am glad to report that the person that was abusive is NOW saying he love's everyone and states he is closer to God than ever before. He also stated that a divine being appeared to him one night months back and touched him on the throat. What does this mean? I just know that I am working with the Angels for positive things. I am a believer!! So help me God. Know this is powerful information.
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Reviewed in the United States on December 14, 2016
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My only qualm with this book is that it is based on information that differs from more traditional sources, such as the Golden Dawn. For example, some of the "powers" don't seem compatible with GD's "meanings" for each of the 72 angels in the Shem ha-Mephorash. That's part's okay, but what really rustles my jimmies is the zodiacal attributions. I prefer the GD's zodiacal attributions. That might just be me.

I still give it five stars, though, because the rituals in it are simple and effective. I really like the seals for each angel and the process of systematically scanning your eyes across them. It changed the way I look at magick.

Also, I'll give you a suggestion that worked for me. Print out the Shem talisman. Scan the seal for the angel and print that out, too. Write out the ritual into two pages, split at the point where you switch from the Shem talisman to the angelic seal. Be sure to include your request to the angel. Then, record yourself speaking the entire ritual, including the instructions and the chants. I did this in garageband easily. It's very easy to modify for future use when I need to use a different angel.

Top international reviews

1.0 out of 5 stars It was very delusional :-(
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 22, 2019
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7 people found this helpful
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Andreas A.
5.0 out of 5 stars Simplified Magic
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 24, 2016
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12 people found this helpful
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Kindle Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 27, 2019
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5.0 out of 5 stars Love Love Love!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 12, 2017
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